The Velvet Rope

The Bearded Bruddas

The Bearded Bruddas

We sat down with one of the funnier duo’s to come out of New Orleans in a long time. One claims the Westbank to the Best Bank, while the other keeps the 9 on his back like Drew Brees. Co and Dev started the Bearded Bruddas Podcast 24 weeks ago and have been keeping it LIT since. The Podcast, which airs every Tuesday, is available on iTunes, Spotify, and Soundcloud. The Bruddas touch on real life topics, real life jokes, and real life opinions. Keep reading to learn more about the Alvin Kamara and Mike Thomas of the Podcast game right now. 

How did Bearded Bruddas come about? 

Co: I was just tweeting how I be tweeting, and said I wanted to start a podcast. Dev text me and asked was I serious, I said “fucking right.” We teased it for a lil bit, I met Dev a couple times when I went home, (he was a) kool dude. So we just decided to start it, and somehow it worked. 

Dev: It started from me and Co getting cool just through Saints Twitter over time. And one day he or someone else said something about starting a podcast with us. And me and him started running with that joke for some time. Then one day he DM’d me asking should we try it out. Few weeks later we did the test episode. 

Describe your Podcast in 3 words for those that haven’t listened.

Co: Jokes, Jeans, and Stupidity

Dev: Funny, Wild, Innovative

What’s been the best/worst things about starting a podcast and becoming a “Public Figure”

Co: You find out who really f*cks with you. Most of the people u laugh with on the (Twitter) timeline everyday won’t even give you a retweet. But that’s the blessing in it. You see the real and the fake.

Dev: The best part I’ve seen is seeing that just being yourself people will naturally like you and what you do on something so public and genuine. The worst part, I honestly can’t say yet.

What have you learned about yourselves over the past 23 weeks and what have you learned about you Co-Host? 

Co: I always thought I was funny, this podcast confirmed that I’m hilarious (as fuck). And I learned that Dev will snap on u if u crack too many jokes. But I think we need that, we are different and I think thats why it works. Different taste in food, music, sports and opinions on different things, it would be boring if we agreed all the time.

Dev: I’ve learned that I really, truly am a creative person and maybe always needed an outlet, and to also create my own lane. I wanted to do a podcast years ago crazy enough centered around sports but never started. Low and behold at 28 I finally did it. I’ve learned that dude (Co) is hilarious and wild as shit. Also a really solid person as a man, and he’s really good at writing content for jokes, way better than me. I could lowkey seeing him do stand up. 

What’s the strangest and/or funniest thing that has happened since starting the Podcast?

Co: I made new friends. That’s strange to me as a grown man. A lot of people don’t know that it’s not just me and Dev putting in work. It can be Rod with graphics and marketing, Blood (Mike) with the jokes. Chris, Tiki, and Marlon helping with topics... Men all coming together for a good cause.

Dev: The motorcycle noise on the “Wait His Name Chris?” episode gotta be the strangest. Funniest for me is when I messed up my sentence on the Father’s Day week episode and said “Everybody Got Daddies” 


Aside from starting one of the hottest Podcasts’ out at the moment, the Bruddas also sport two of the nicer beards in the Podcast game as well. Naturally we had to ask them a few Beard Questions. 


What’s your favorite VN Beard Oil Scent?

Co: I’m fucking with that Blak Ice heavy. Bae be all on me.

Dev: Blak Ice. No question.

How important do you feel it is to take care of your Beard? 

Co: Beard care is very important. When I first started growing a beard I didnt use anything. It use to always be dry and damaged. Velvet Noir saved my beard. 

Dev: VERY. I slip up every once in a while and don’t oil it. But I try to keep it moisturized and oiled often cause my hair and skin gets dry quick. And when you hair gets dry often it can become brittle and you don’t want that if you wanna grow a full healthy beard.


What advice would you give to someone that is growing a beard but not really sure where to start? 

Co: USE VELVET NOIR and make sure to keep up with the daily maintenance.

Dev: I’d say keep praying to God he blesses you with one. But really I’d say don’t use the big name brand shampoo, conditioners because I learned a lot of those products aren’t made for black hair. Which is why most, if not all black women with natural hair, don’t use them. Men’s hair, especially beard is no different. So try to use the black centered products if you gonna wash it and what not. But obviously the Velvet Noir beard wash works great for me just follow those directions. And it smells INCREDIBLE. 


Personal Tidbits



Co: 9th Ward, New Orleans | Dev: Marrero, La

Currently Reside?

Co: Dallas, TX | Dev: Marrero, La


Co: 26 | Dev: 28

Social Media Links

Co: Twitter @_fatboyslim, Snapchat @fatboyslim504 | Dev: IG justdlew, Twitter ddotlouisxiii


Follow the Bearded Bruddas on Twitter at @BeardedBruddas and Instagram at @BeardedBruddas


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